Every single fucking word we say, every single story we tell, every single point we make has two sides, or more, and that makes it debatable. And if something is debatable, than it is also doubtful...aaand questionable. My point is this: every thing we make, say, whatever, has the potential to be interpreted as a lie! (nice logic, huh?). What i am actually trying to do is invent an excuse for my very long absence. And i assume that by now any lost reader that might still remember the existance of this blog has no hope of finding anything interesting here anymore.
To be quite honest, i must say that i'm not even sure of my english anymore...so yeah..it's been that long.
I think i lost my interest in this. Writing doesn't appeal me that much anymore, probably because i have no ideea what to write about.
So, if there is anybody still out there, please give me a hand, invent a topic, give me a suggestion, an ideea, anything!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
E trist...
...cand degeaba te chinui sa privesti partea plina a paharului, iar paharul tau e spart...si uite de asta prefer eu sa beau din pet!
Mergand pe principiul "pauzele lungi si dese, cheia marilor succese" pot afirma cu desavarsire ca nu sunt un blogger in adevaratul sens al cuvantului...scriu pentru mine, ma citeste..naiba stie cine, scriu numai cacaturi,iar postarile mele sunt la fel de dese pe cat sunt de lungi. Voi invoca scuza timpului, ca sa ascund defapt, lipsa de interes...pana acum cateva zile cand m-a intrebat cineva daca mai scriu pe blog si uitasem de existenta acestui coltisor din mintea mea (ar trebui sa ii zic "really deep in the back of my mind" dar e prea lung titlul). Nu pot spune ca lipsa timpului este doar o scuza...in definitiv, am o viata destul de aglomerata, de librar in carturesti, stundent la sociologie si cel mai iubit iubit din lume. Ca sa nu mai mentionez monotonia lumii care ma inconjoara. Parca totul in jurul meu sta pe loc, masinile care trec pe strada, oamenii care se plimba, cu sau fara grija zilei de maine, cainii care alearga pisicile pe strada, si mai ales batranii care se plimba toata ziua cu autobuzul, pentru ca sufera de gratuitate pe mijloacele de transport in comun...iar daca ajungi aici, iti dai seama ca duci o viata de cacat, si ca esti pur si simplu in asteptarea inevitabilului sfarsit, pe care incerci sa il amani cu nonsalanta, pierzand timpul pe un scaun, in spatele unui geam de autobuz. Iti oferi iluzia ca timpul te plimba prin oras, nu un scaun de un comfort relativ, legat de podeaua unei cutii cu motor...Parca totul e o cutie, nu? Casa pe care o imparti cu cineva, sau nu, e o cutie, alimentara de unde iti cumperi painea e o cutie in care se afla alte cutii mai mici, tu singur, pe strada esti o cutie plina de amintiri mirosind a naftalina, sau poate goala..dar tot mirosind a naftalina(aviz batranilor! lasati drecu' naftalina, avem Raid, are acelasi efect, miroase mult mai bine!!). Lasand la o parte aceste cacaturi monotone, trecem la alte cacaturi...monotone. E ora 12, duminica, si cred ca noi (adica eu si cloegii mei din carturesti) suntem singurii imbecili din Piata Sfatului care lucreaza, iar afara e mult prea placut ca noi sa ne mai putem pastra integritatea mentala si morala! Pana si oamenii care ne calca pragul parca stau pe loc...indiferent cat de multi ar fi, sunt oameni fara fete, oameni fara identitate (mai putin micile vedete are ne mai viziteaza din cand in cand, aici enumar Emil Constantinescu, Stolojan, Tudor Chirila si probabil au mai fost...oricum, ei sunt oamenii pentru care noi nu existam, iar ei exista pentru noi prin simplul fapt ca sunt mediatizati pana la refuz). Eu, insignifiantul librar, integralistul student, iubitul iubit, nu am pe cine sa chem sa ma ia de la hotel intr-un Mercedes SL 65 AMG, nu pot sa profit de pozitia mea in societate ca sa mi se deschida usa unui magazin, dupa ora inchiderii si nu imi permit sa las 10 lei bacsis dupa ce imi fac cumparaturile... Oricum, nu ii invidiez pe oamenii astia. Nu ma intereseaza cum au ajuns unde au ajuns, nu ma intereseaza cine "le pazeste spatele", nu ma intereseaza grosimea portofelului si nu vreau sa vorbesc despre grosimea obrazului (si m-a bufnit rasul cand mi-a trecut prin cap sa mentionez asta, in eventualitatea in care Tudor Chirila imi va citi vreodata blogul; grosimea obrazului nu se refera neaparat la cei enumerati mai sus..e plina lumea de "oameni d'astia"...oameni pentru care noi nu existam...oameni care privesc viata prin geamul unei cutii de cateva zeci de mii de euro, care face gaura in bugetul unei tari din Africa, la fiecare plin de combustibil...dupa posibilitati, fiecare cu a sa cutie).
Eu astept ora inchiderii, cand imi voi fi terminat de indeplinit atributiile de librar, si ma voi putea ocupa de atributiile de iubit si de cele de student (exact in ordinea asta)... Tanjesc dupa o bere, tanjesc dupa o zi libera, tanjesc dupa somnul fara griji de care aveam parte atunci cand eram in vacanta si nu lucram, tanjesc, tanjesti, tanjim! Lasa ca o sa vedeti voi! Ma fac si eu mare, imi cumpar si eu diverse cutii, una mai scumpa decat cealalta, si o sa devin si eu unul din oamenii pentru care voi nu existati!
Asta, sau o sa calatoresc, si o sa ma bucur de o carte buna, intr-un loc frumos, cu persoana potrivita langa mine, stiind ca desi pentru restul lumii nu exist, pentru ea sunt totul...iar voi o sa ma cititi in continuare, din lipsa de altceva mai bun...
Mergand pe principiul "pauzele lungi si dese, cheia marilor succese" pot afirma cu desavarsire ca nu sunt un blogger in adevaratul sens al cuvantului...scriu pentru mine, ma citeste..naiba stie cine, scriu numai cacaturi,iar postarile mele sunt la fel de dese pe cat sunt de lungi. Voi invoca scuza timpului, ca sa ascund defapt, lipsa de interes...pana acum cateva zile cand m-a intrebat cineva daca mai scriu pe blog si uitasem de existenta acestui coltisor din mintea mea (ar trebui sa ii zic "really deep in the back of my mind" dar e prea lung titlul). Nu pot spune ca lipsa timpului este doar o scuza...in definitiv, am o viata destul de aglomerata, de librar in carturesti, stundent la sociologie si cel mai iubit iubit din lume. Ca sa nu mai mentionez monotonia lumii care ma inconjoara. Parca totul in jurul meu sta pe loc, masinile care trec pe strada, oamenii care se plimba, cu sau fara grija zilei de maine, cainii care alearga pisicile pe strada, si mai ales batranii care se plimba toata ziua cu autobuzul, pentru ca sufera de gratuitate pe mijloacele de transport in comun...iar daca ajungi aici, iti dai seama ca duci o viata de cacat, si ca esti pur si simplu in asteptarea inevitabilului sfarsit, pe care incerci sa il amani cu nonsalanta, pierzand timpul pe un scaun, in spatele unui geam de autobuz. Iti oferi iluzia ca timpul te plimba prin oras, nu un scaun de un comfort relativ, legat de podeaua unei cutii cu motor...Parca totul e o cutie, nu? Casa pe care o imparti cu cineva, sau nu, e o cutie, alimentara de unde iti cumperi painea e o cutie in care se afla alte cutii mai mici, tu singur, pe strada esti o cutie plina de amintiri mirosind a naftalina, sau poate goala..dar tot mirosind a naftalina(aviz batranilor! lasati drecu' naftalina, avem Raid, are acelasi efect, miroase mult mai bine!!). Lasand la o parte aceste cacaturi monotone, trecem la alte cacaturi...monotone. E ora 12, duminica, si cred ca noi (adica eu si cloegii mei din carturesti) suntem singurii imbecili din Piata Sfatului care lucreaza, iar afara e mult prea placut ca noi sa ne mai putem pastra integritatea mentala si morala! Pana si oamenii care ne calca pragul parca stau pe loc...indiferent cat de multi ar fi, sunt oameni fara fete, oameni fara identitate (mai putin micile vedete are ne mai viziteaza din cand in cand, aici enumar Emil Constantinescu, Stolojan, Tudor Chirila si probabil au mai fost...oricum, ei sunt oamenii pentru care noi nu existam, iar ei exista pentru noi prin simplul fapt ca sunt mediatizati pana la refuz). Eu, insignifiantul librar, integralistul student, iubitul iubit, nu am pe cine sa chem sa ma ia de la hotel intr-un Mercedes SL 65 AMG, nu pot sa profit de pozitia mea in societate ca sa mi se deschida usa unui magazin, dupa ora inchiderii si nu imi permit sa las 10 lei bacsis dupa ce imi fac cumparaturile... Oricum, nu ii invidiez pe oamenii astia. Nu ma intereseaza cum au ajuns unde au ajuns, nu ma intereseaza cine "le pazeste spatele", nu ma intereseaza grosimea portofelului si nu vreau sa vorbesc despre grosimea obrazului (si m-a bufnit rasul cand mi-a trecut prin cap sa mentionez asta, in eventualitatea in care Tudor Chirila imi va citi vreodata blogul; grosimea obrazului nu se refera neaparat la cei enumerati mai sus..e plina lumea de "oameni d'astia"...oameni pentru care noi nu existam...oameni care privesc viata prin geamul unei cutii de cateva zeci de mii de euro, care face gaura in bugetul unei tari din Africa, la fiecare plin de combustibil...dupa posibilitati, fiecare cu a sa cutie).
Eu astept ora inchiderii, cand imi voi fi terminat de indeplinit atributiile de librar, si ma voi putea ocupa de atributiile de iubit si de cele de student (exact in ordinea asta)... Tanjesc dupa o bere, tanjesc dupa o zi libera, tanjesc dupa somnul fara griji de care aveam parte atunci cand eram in vacanta si nu lucram, tanjesc, tanjesti, tanjim! Lasa ca o sa vedeti voi! Ma fac si eu mare, imi cumpar si eu diverse cutii, una mai scumpa decat cealalta, si o sa devin si eu unul din oamenii pentru care voi nu existati!
Asta, sau o sa calatoresc, si o sa ma bucur de o carte buna, intr-un loc frumos, cu persoana potrivita langa mine, stiind ca desi pentru restul lumii nu exist, pentru ea sunt totul...iar voi o sa ma cititi in continuare, din lipsa de altceva mai bun...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Little devil
I must have lost every spot of colour
In this world of gray...
I think i lost every drop of pleasure,
In that world of pain.
I must have fallen from higher spirits,
And now i want redemption!
I must have been one hell of an angel!
Why does everyone see the devil in me?
And than...there's you...
In that corner, of that room,
Working your way through my mind...
You must have been one little devil
But i see the angel in you...
In this world of gray...
I think i lost every drop of pleasure,
In that world of pain.
I must have fallen from higher spirits,
And now i want redemption!
I must have been one hell of an angel!
Why does everyone see the devil in me?
And than...there's you...
In that corner, of that room,
Working your way through my mind...
You must have been one little devil
But i see the angel in you...
Un nou inceput :)
Abia a trecut o secunda de cand ai plecat...si totusi parca au trecut zile... Nu imi vine sa cred ca abia ne stim de cateva zile, si deja simt nevoia sa iti spun ca imi e dor de tine, ca imi lipsesti, ca vreau sa te tin in brate si sa te sarut... Nu a trebuit decat un sarut sa treci direct prin zidul ala pe care l-am ridicat in jurul meu si pe care altii se chinuie de o gramada de timp sa il darame...si sa nu crezi ca mai scapi de acolo asa de usor.
Deja imi e dor sa ma pierd in ochii tai superbi...si cine stie cat va trebui sa stau fara sa ii vad. Nu inteleg ce mi-ai facut sau cum ai reusit, dar m-ai trezit la realitate! Inca nu s-a oprit ploaia dar a rasarit soarele :) De mult simteam nevoia sa o iau de la inceput, sa fac un pas nou, inainte, si sa continui sa merg inainte, dar nu gaseam motive, nu intelegeam de ce nu pot, si cel mai important nu vedeam drumul. Si am reusit sa inteleg acum de ce tanjesc asa de mult dupa tine...tu ai aparut de nicaieri, cu un soare in mana, m-ai luat de brat, si mi-ai spus ca vrei sa te plimbi cu mine :) iar tot ce vreau eu acum este sa te ridic si sa zburam, sa te ridic si sa cadem, eu vreau ce vrei tu, eu te vreau pe tine. Nu stiu cine esti si de unde ai venit, dar nu cred ca se putea un moment mai bun, pentru ca imi era groaza sa pornesc la drum asa de unul singur...Acum totul mi se pare mai usor, acum pot sa zic cu certitudine ca ma gandesc la ziua de maine, pot sa zic ca imi pasa si ca am motive sa imi pese...
Abia astept sa te intorci, sa te tin in brate, sa te mangai, sa te sarut si sa iti zic ca mi-ai lipsit :*
Deja imi e dor sa ma pierd in ochii tai superbi...si cine stie cat va trebui sa stau fara sa ii vad. Nu inteleg ce mi-ai facut sau cum ai reusit, dar m-ai trezit la realitate! Inca nu s-a oprit ploaia dar a rasarit soarele :) De mult simteam nevoia sa o iau de la inceput, sa fac un pas nou, inainte, si sa continui sa merg inainte, dar nu gaseam motive, nu intelegeam de ce nu pot, si cel mai important nu vedeam drumul. Si am reusit sa inteleg acum de ce tanjesc asa de mult dupa tine...tu ai aparut de nicaieri, cu un soare in mana, m-ai luat de brat, si mi-ai spus ca vrei sa te plimbi cu mine :) iar tot ce vreau eu acum este sa te ridic si sa zburam, sa te ridic si sa cadem, eu vreau ce vrei tu, eu te vreau pe tine. Nu stiu cine esti si de unde ai venit, dar nu cred ca se putea un moment mai bun, pentru ca imi era groaza sa pornesc la drum asa de unul singur...Acum totul mi se pare mai usor, acum pot sa zic cu certitudine ca ma gandesc la ziua de maine, pot sa zic ca imi pasa si ca am motive sa imi pese...
Abia astept sa te intorci, sa te tin in brate, sa te mangai, sa te sarut si sa iti zic ca mi-ai lipsit :*
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Banc, bai, banc!
Seara, la culcare, Bulă a sărutat-o pe nevastă-sa pe obraz şi a adormit. Când s-a trezit, a văzut un tip ciudat care stătea la capul patului, îmbrăcat cu o robă albă:
- Cine dracu’ eşti? întreabă Bulă, şi ce cauţi în dormitorul meu?
- Ăsta nu e dormitorul tău, iar eu sunt Sfântul Petru.
- Adică … sunt mort? Nu se poate! ţipă Bulă. Mai am atâtea lucruri de făcut în viaţă! Nici nu mi-am luat la revedere de la familie. Trebuie să mă trimiţi înapoi!
- Bine, zice Sfântul Petru, poţi să te reîncarnezi dar nu te putem trimite înapoi decât ca un câine sau o ca o găină.
Bulă a fost devastat, dar ştiind că era o fermă nu prea departe de casa sa, l-a rugat pe Sfântul Petru să-l facă găină.
O lumină orbitoare apare în faţa lui Bulă. Când se trezeşte, Bulă se vede acoperit de pene şi ciugulind de pe pământ.
- Nu e chiar aşa de rău, s-a gândit Bulă, până când a simţit o chestie ciudată crescând în el.
Cocoşul s-a dus la el şi i-a zis:
- Deci, tu eşti găina cea nouă? Cum îţi place prima zi aici?
- Nu e chiar aşa de rău, zice Bulă, dar am aşa o senzaţie ciudată, de parcă o să explodez.
- Să nu-mi spui că n-ai mai făcut niciodată un ou? se miră cocoşul.
- Niciodată! zice Bulă.
- Ei, relaxează-te şi lasă să se întâmple.
Câteva secunde mai târziu, un ou iese de sub coadă lui Bulă. Un sentiment intens de relaxare îl cuprinde, iar emoţiile îl copleşesc, devenind mamă pentru prima oară. Când a făcut al doilea ou, sentimentul de fericire a fost şi mai copleşitor şi a ştiut atunci că reîncarnarea sa ca găină a fost cel mai bun lucru care i s-a întâmplat vreodată. Cuprins de fericire, a continuat, şi exact când trebuia să scoată şi al treilea ou, a simţit o lovitură incredibil de puternică în ceafă şi a auzit-o pe nevastă-sa:
- Bulă! Trezeşte-te dracu’, beţiv nenorocit! Te caci în pat!
- Cine dracu’ eşti? întreabă Bulă, şi ce cauţi în dormitorul meu?
- Ăsta nu e dormitorul tău, iar eu sunt Sfântul Petru.
- Adică … sunt mort? Nu se poate! ţipă Bulă. Mai am atâtea lucruri de făcut în viaţă! Nici nu mi-am luat la revedere de la familie. Trebuie să mă trimiţi înapoi!
- Bine, zice Sfântul Petru, poţi să te reîncarnezi dar nu te putem trimite înapoi decât ca un câine sau o ca o găină.
Bulă a fost devastat, dar ştiind că era o fermă nu prea departe de casa sa, l-a rugat pe Sfântul Petru să-l facă găină.
O lumină orbitoare apare în faţa lui Bulă. Când se trezeşte, Bulă se vede acoperit de pene şi ciugulind de pe pământ.
- Nu e chiar aşa de rău, s-a gândit Bulă, până când a simţit o chestie ciudată crescând în el.
Cocoşul s-a dus la el şi i-a zis:
- Deci, tu eşti găina cea nouă? Cum îţi place prima zi aici?
- Nu e chiar aşa de rău, zice Bulă, dar am aşa o senzaţie ciudată, de parcă o să explodez.
- Să nu-mi spui că n-ai mai făcut niciodată un ou? se miră cocoşul.
- Niciodată! zice Bulă.
- Ei, relaxează-te şi lasă să se întâmple.
Câteva secunde mai târziu, un ou iese de sub coadă lui Bulă. Un sentiment intens de relaxare îl cuprinde, iar emoţiile îl copleşesc, devenind mamă pentru prima oară. Când a făcut al doilea ou, sentimentul de fericire a fost şi mai copleşitor şi a ştiut atunci că reîncarnarea sa ca găină a fost cel mai bun lucru care i s-a întâmplat vreodată. Cuprins de fericire, a continuat, şi exact când trebuia să scoată şi al treilea ou, a simţit o lovitură incredibil de puternică în ceafă şi a auzit-o pe nevastă-sa:
- Bulă! Trezeşte-te dracu’, beţiv nenorocit! Te caci în pat!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Event "Carturesti"
Vineri, 5 martie, va avea loc un mic concert de muzica baroca! Locatia: Libraria Carturesti Brasov; Ora: 18.00; Prezenta: nu este obligatorie, dar recomandata
Concertul va dura mai putin de o ora, costumatia nu este obligatorie, intrarea este libera!
Music is good for your soul! Combined with a good book and some great tea, relaxation! The little things in life that make you happy! so...move your lazy asses! You've got nothing better to do, nothing to lose!
Concertul va dura mai putin de o ora, costumatia nu este obligatorie, intrarea este libera!
Music is good for your soul! Combined with a good book and some great tea, relaxation! The little things in life that make you happy! so...move your lazy asses! You've got nothing better to do, nothing to lose!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wake me up...
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
So good you smell...
So sweet yor skin,
So nice your touch...
But it's your eyes that kill me
I try to hold your hand
But I lose reality.
I try to kiss your lips,
But i lose my mind...
Every night i dream of you
The same dream, of me and you
Every day i think of you...
The same thought, of you and me
I start to love the way you twist me
I begin to think of you, on top of me...
Untill the morning comes..
And i wake up... still alone
And i realise...i'm at your feet
Though you are so far
I'd still crawl out of my castle
Only to climb into yours
Heck...i'd even rip my gates wide open
Just to welcome you in
I'd frame your smile
Next to that picture
Of your eyes, that hangs
On that wall in my mind
Still, i'm alone, though not lonely
And still, i keep on dreaming
I'd beg you if i could,
Come next to me!
I'ts painful to wake up
From the same dream every day
Please come next to me
I don't want to wake up from that dream
Of you and me...
Sunday, February 14, 2010
It's just because you like it ;)
I hold on so nervously
To me and my drink
I wish it was cooling me
But so far, has not been good
It’s been shitty
And I feel awkward, as I should
This club has got to be
The most pretentious thing
Since I thought you and me
Well I am imagining
A dark lit place
Or your place or my place
Well I’m not paralyzed
But, I seem to be struck by you
I want to make you move
Because you’re standing still
If your body matches
What your eyes can do
You’ll probably move right through
Me on my way to you
I hold out for one more drink
Before I think
I’m looking too desperately
But so far has not been fun
I should just stay home
If one thing really means one
This club will hopefully
Be closed in three weeks
That would be cool with me
Well I’m still imagining
A dark lit place
Or your place or my place
Well, I’m not paralyzed
But, I seem to be struck by you
I want to make you move
Because you’re standing still
If your body matches
What your eyes can do
You’ll probably move right through
Me on my way to you
Well, I’m not paralyzed
But, I seem to be struck by you
I want to make you move
Because you’re standing still
If your body matches
What your eyes can do
You’ll probably move right through
Me on my way to you
I’m not paralyzed
But, I seem to be struck by you
I want to make you move
Because you’re standing still
If your body matches
What your eyes can do
You’ll probably move right through
Me on my way to you
You’ll probably move right through
Me on my way to you
You’ll probably move right through
Me on my way to you
Upon Valentine's day
With flowers in her hair,
Gazed upon with dead lovers eyes.
She never looked so good,
And I never felt so right.
With flowers in her hair,
Gazed upon with dead lovers eyes.
She never looked so good,
And I never felt so right.
Never felt so right.
I never felt so wrong!!!
Gazed upon with dead lovers eyes.
She never looked so good,
And I never felt so right.
With flowers in her hair,
Gazed upon with dead lovers eyes.
She never looked so good,
And I never felt so right.
Never felt so right.
I never felt so wrong!!!
Happy and free, inside a world of misery
I used to take pride in the fact that no matter what shit lifes throws at me, i'll be able to avoid it...Not so sure about that anymore... Finding it difficult to pick myself up from the floor i seem to struggle with "life's daily pleasures", loosing my way. It doesn't often happen to me to not know where my head is at, say the least where my heart is at... It is so hard to figure out my destination and all i want is to be left alone. My mind is so fucking numb, i just can't get around myself, and it seems that no matter what i do, something inside me yells "i know i can help you...i just don't fucking want to!". Those who know me can confirm the fact that i am used to having what i want... And now i'm blinfolded and racing towards a wall! I feel like (and this is a quote from Metallica's "This was just your life") a blind man strapped into the speeding driver's seat...
Those who read this, might be wondering by now what the fuck is wrong with me, and why this state of mind! Well, does it really matter? Do you really care? OOOF course it doesn't and you don't ;) go bullshit someone else! Before anyone can start making presumptions, i'm ok with my life, i'm ok with what i struggle for, i'm ok with what i study and i'm ok with my job...it's me i'm not ok with...
I'm down, because i'm high... She who knows might understand! But she who knows reads not my blog...:))
Surrownded by light, but driven into darkness...
You don’t realize what you do to me. I don’t think you understand how one touch, look, word, or smile from you can drive me out of my mind.
If you never try
Then you'll never know
The grass could be greener (could be)
And it will always be greener on the other side
But you.. just never (never) know
"Being a slave, what should i do, but tend upon the hour and times of your desire?"
Those who read this, might be wondering by now what the fuck is wrong with me, and why this state of mind! Well, does it really matter? Do you really care? OOOF course it doesn't and you don't ;) go bullshit someone else! Before anyone can start making presumptions, i'm ok with my life, i'm ok with what i struggle for, i'm ok with what i study and i'm ok with my job...it's me i'm not ok with...
I'm down, because i'm high... She who knows might understand! But she who knows reads not my blog...:))
Surrownded by light, but driven into darkness...
You don’t realize what you do to me. I don’t think you understand how one touch, look, word, or smile from you can drive me out of my mind.
If you never try
Then you'll never know
The grass could be greener (could be)
And it will always be greener on the other side
But you.. just never (never) know
"Being a slave, what should i do, but tend upon the hour and times of your desire?"
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
“A fairer person lost not Heaven; he seemed
For dignity composed and high exploit:
But all was false and hollow; though his tongue
Dropped manna, and could make the worse appear
The better reason, to perplex and dash
Maturest counsels: for his thoughts were low;
To vice industrious, but to noble deeds
Timorous and slothful”
For dignity composed and high exploit:
But all was false and hollow; though his tongue
Dropped manna, and could make the worse appear
The better reason, to perplex and dash
Maturest counsels: for his thoughts were low;
To vice industrious, but to noble deeds
Timorous and slothful”
Friday, January 22, 2010
The meaning of life
I have all the money i need...if i were to die tomorrow morning! so..i guess all that is left for me to figure out is...whether i want to be burried or cremated. Don't worry, like most of you, i also have plenty of reasons to go on with this blissful speck of an existance that we call "life"...you know, all those little things that make you go on and on...school, job, girlfriend, the perspective of a better life, of a better future, dreams, hopes...all that shit that polutes your mind away from the soul meaning of existance!
Besides the fact that we eat, shit, fuck and die, we don't do anything productive at all... Sure we build machines, sure we develop industry, but at what cost? we ruin our world. don't get me wrong, i'm not a fucking environmentalist, i couldn't care less of this dying world, simply because i know we will long be dead before the planet.
My point is: i'm still trying to figure out the meaning of life, still trying to figure out why do we exist, why do we wake up every morning to contribute with another day to our lifes...
And than, i saw this video:
It kind of woke me up...Life is what you make of it? well...this is what i make of it!
Disturbed - Meaning of Life
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
thank the gods of rock for what they have given us! without this music, i think i'd just vanish in a cloud of nothingness, boredom and lament...i'd have nothing to fuel my rage, my thoughts, my (in)sanity, MY LIFE!
Besides the fact that we eat, shit, fuck and die, we don't do anything productive at all... Sure we build machines, sure we develop industry, but at what cost? we ruin our world. don't get me wrong, i'm not a fucking environmentalist, i couldn't care less of this dying world, simply because i know we will long be dead before the planet.
My point is: i'm still trying to figure out the meaning of life, still trying to figure out why do we exist, why do we wake up every morning to contribute with another day to our lifes...
And than, i saw this video:
It kind of woke me up...Life is what you make of it? well...this is what i make of it!
Disturbed - Meaning of Life
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
thank the gods of rock for what they have given us! without this music, i think i'd just vanish in a cloud of nothingness, boredom and lament...i'd have nothing to fuel my rage, my thoughts, my (in)sanity, MY LIFE!
I can feel the blood, flowing through my veins
Spilling on my soul
And now the hunger's getting bigger
Come a little closer now pretentious whore and pull my trigger
Free the violence that is building in me
I say now end of the ride, murder suicide
Is how I've been feelin' lately
Come a little closer my pretentious whore I'm living with a feeling that I can't ignore
Come a little closer my pretentious whore I'm living with a feeling that I can't ignore
Come a little closer my pretentious whore I'm living with a feeling that i can't ignore
And the need to get psycho is not a question to me
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
40 tips to life!
First of all, i think i must apollogize to the few readers that i might still have, for my absence...time is...short, so i'll try to keep writing once in a while....
Well...how about few tips towards making life...say...better, easier...whatever you like...
1. so...first of all...if you have problems waking up, or youre that heavy hang-over type of person, mix your coffee with vodca. it's a real buzz
2. during winter, put the toilet paper on the heater, before you wipe your ass.
3. don't drink and drive (i mean alcohol) D.U.I sucks
4. never clean the top of your shoes on the back of your pants...you never know what you may find there
5. don't put your phone in your backpockets, you might sit on it...ooor even worse, you might shit on it!
6. don't ask a girl to tie your shoe laces...it will be awkward if you see her panty line and get a boner!
7. don't write your name on the inside of your undearwear..that's fucked up!
8. make the most out of your free time, get a fucking hobby, read books...
9. don't stab people in the back...the look on their faces is so much more worth the effort!
10. if you do stab people in the back...make sure they don't see you.
11. don't blame other people for your mistakes
12. don't add milk to your tea! totaly spoils the tea!
13. don't shit in public places, like fast-food restrooms, fancy restaurants bathrooms...
14. wiskey.
15. beer.
16. more beer!
17. cigarretes won't work when you are down.
18. sex will!
19. dont cheat on your girlfriends...
20. read no.19 again!
21.got the point about 19? no? read it again!
22. ladies...don't spit
23. mind your money...poor people might not be so poor as you might think
24. never hit a policeman
25. unless he's alone
26. stop thinking about size...there will always be someone who's dick is bigger, or smaller than yours :))
27. it might help to always have an extra t-shirt with you
28. in case someone vomits on your t-shirt
29. read no.19 again!
30. if you ever go to an urologist and he asks for a sperm sample, no matter how muck it hurts you, do it yourself! never let him help you!
31. never tell your best friend who you've been sleeping with!
32. never sleepwith your best friend...no matter if it's a he or a she...ok..if it's a she, it might work...but if if you are both guys....do not!
33. long distance relations don't work, period!
34. never question me! i am smarter! i am better, i am always right!
35. this should no be a guide to life!
36. but follow it step by step!
37. it's fun to drink and piss at the same time...without hands...master that and your friends will love you!
38. keg stands, never tried one.
39. reverse pull-ups, they really do wonders to your back
40. music! live your life on music. enjoy music. make it your god.
Well...how about few tips towards making life...say...better, easier...whatever you like...
1. so...first of all...if you have problems waking up, or youre that heavy hang-over type of person, mix your coffee with vodca. it's a real buzz
2. during winter, put the toilet paper on the heater, before you wipe your ass.
3. don't drink and drive (i mean alcohol) D.U.I sucks
4. never clean the top of your shoes on the back of your pants...you never know what you may find there
5. don't put your phone in your backpockets, you might sit on it...ooor even worse, you might shit on it!
6. don't ask a girl to tie your shoe laces...it will be awkward if you see her panty line and get a boner!
7. don't write your name on the inside of your undearwear..that's fucked up!
8. make the most out of your free time, get a fucking hobby, read books...
9. don't stab people in the back...the look on their faces is so much more worth the effort!
10. if you do stab people in the back...make sure they don't see you.
11. don't blame other people for your mistakes
12. don't add milk to your tea! totaly spoils the tea!
13. don't shit in public places, like fast-food restrooms, fancy restaurants bathrooms...
14. wiskey.
15. beer.
16. more beer!
17. cigarretes won't work when you are down.
18. sex will!
19. dont cheat on your girlfriends...
20. read no.19 again!
21.got the point about 19? no? read it again!
22. ladies...don't spit
23. mind your money...poor people might not be so poor as you might think
24. never hit a policeman
25. unless he's alone
26. stop thinking about size...there will always be someone who's dick is bigger, or smaller than yours :))
27. it might help to always have an extra t-shirt with you
28. in case someone vomits on your t-shirt
29. read no.19 again!
30. if you ever go to an urologist and he asks for a sperm sample, no matter how muck it hurts you, do it yourself! never let him help you!
31. never tell your best friend who you've been sleeping with!
32. never sleepwith your best friend...no matter if it's a he or a she...ok..if it's a she, it might work...but if if you are both guys....do not!
33. long distance relations don't work, period!
34. never question me! i am smarter! i am better, i am always right!
35. this should no be a guide to life!
36. but follow it step by step!
37. it's fun to drink and piss at the same time...without hands...master that and your friends will love you!
38. keg stands, never tried one.
39. reverse pull-ups, they really do wonders to your back
40. music! live your life on music. enjoy music. make it your god.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Leapsa fom lexa.
1. Cat e ceasul? : 1.43 pm
2. Numele tau e? : Mircea
3. Porecla? : Assprin
4. Tatuaje? : Nu inca.
5. Pierce? : flash :P
6. Culoarea ochilor? : Caprui.
7. Locul nasterii? : Brasov.
8. Muzica favorita? : heavy metal, industrial metal, power metal...metal..you get it (oh yea...and some tehno shit)
9. Ai fost vreodata in USA? : Nu inca
10. Mancare favorita? : cartofii prajiti cu ketchup si pulpe de pui.
11. Ai infasurat vreodata pe cineva in hartie igienica? : Da!
12. Ai iubit pe cineva atat de mult incat sa-ti vina sa plangi? : mdeah...
13. Ai fost implicat in vreun accident de masina? : shit happens...yeah...
14. Crutoane sau bacon? : bacon, fuck yeah!
15. Zi favorita din saptamana? : fiecare zi in care am liber.
16. Ce sport iti place sa urmaresti? : Wrestling...F1, MotoGp, Rugby, WRC...si snooker :D
17. Bautura favorita? : Daniel's...Jack Daniel's
18. Inghetata favorita? : aia ieftina, la cornet
19. Walt Disney sau Warner Bros? : fuck disney! warner bros ftw!
20. Restaurant fast food favorit? : ando's
21. Ce culoare are dormitorul tau? : albastru
22. De cate ori ai copiat la un examen? : intrebarea corecta este: de cate ori nu ai copiat la un examen?
23. De la cine ai primit leapsa asta? : Lexa (little one)
24. In care magazin ti-ai fi cheltuit toti banii de pe card? : uuuuum...nu cred ca ar fi doar unul...
25. Ce faci de obicei cand te plictisesti? : tampenii
26. La ce ora mergi la culcare? : eu nu dorm :))
27. Cine o sa raspunda primul/prima la leapsa asta? : ce? repeta intrebarea!
28. Cati dintre cei carora le vei trimite vor raspunde? : 'ai di n-au shi fashi!
29. Ultima persoana pe care ai luat-o la masa la restaurant? : eeeeh :-> nu pot sa zic!
30. Ce asculti in momentul asta? : Sepultura - Refuse-Resist
31. Culoare preferata? : negru
32. Mare sau lac? : Mare.
33. Cate tatuaje ai ? Nem.
34. Cate pierce-uri ai? : 1
35. Ai ramas vreodata fara benzina la masina? : nup
36. Ce preferi pisica sau catel? : Caine!
37. Ce anotimp preferi vara sau iarna? : iarna
38. Esti indragostit de cineva? : mmnnope!
39. Cat e ceasul? : 1.59 pm
2. Numele tau e? : Mircea
3. Porecla? : Assprin
4. Tatuaje? : Nu inca.
5. Pierce? : flash :P
6. Culoarea ochilor? : Caprui.
7. Locul nasterii? : Brasov.
8. Muzica favorita? : heavy metal, industrial metal, power metal...metal..you get it (oh yea...and some tehno shit)
9. Ai fost vreodata in USA? : Nu inca
10. Mancare favorita? : cartofii prajiti cu ketchup si pulpe de pui.
11. Ai infasurat vreodata pe cineva in hartie igienica? : Da!
12. Ai iubit pe cineva atat de mult incat sa-ti vina sa plangi? : mdeah...
13. Ai fost implicat in vreun accident de masina? : shit happens...yeah...
14. Crutoane sau bacon? : bacon, fuck yeah!
15. Zi favorita din saptamana? : fiecare zi in care am liber.
16. Ce sport iti place sa urmaresti? : Wrestling...F1, MotoGp, Rugby, WRC...si snooker :D
17. Bautura favorita? : Daniel's...Jack Daniel's
18. Inghetata favorita? : aia ieftina, la cornet
19. Walt Disney sau Warner Bros? : fuck disney! warner bros ftw!
20. Restaurant fast food favorit? : ando's
21. Ce culoare are dormitorul tau? : albastru
22. De cate ori ai copiat la un examen? : intrebarea corecta este: de cate ori nu ai copiat la un examen?
23. De la cine ai primit leapsa asta? : Lexa (little one)
24. In care magazin ti-ai fi cheltuit toti banii de pe card? : uuuuum...nu cred ca ar fi doar unul...
25. Ce faci de obicei cand te plictisesti? : tampenii
26. La ce ora mergi la culcare? : eu nu dorm :))
27. Cine o sa raspunda primul/prima la leapsa asta? : ce? repeta intrebarea!
28. Cati dintre cei carora le vei trimite vor raspunde? : 'ai di n-au shi fashi!
29. Ultima persoana pe care ai luat-o la masa la restaurant? : eeeeh :-> nu pot sa zic!
30. Ce asculti in momentul asta? : Sepultura - Refuse-Resist
31. Culoare preferata? : negru
32. Mare sau lac? : Mare.
33. Cate tatuaje ai ? Nem.
34. Cate pierce-uri ai? : 1
35. Ai ramas vreodata fara benzina la masina? : nup
36. Ce preferi pisica sau catel? : Caine!
37. Ce anotimp preferi vara sau iarna? : iarna
38. Esti indragostit de cineva? : mmnnope!
39. Cat e ceasul? : 1.59 pm
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Let the drummer kick that...
Listen to every word, enjoy it, imagine it...what do they make you think of? Where do they take you?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
To whom it may concern...
Today is my blog's 2 months aniversary :) and i am glad i at least have 3 followers, and many more readers! fuck yeah!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Vreau sa vad un film fain. Vreau o cana de vin fiert. Vreau iarna. Vreau sa cunosc oameni noi. Vreau sa vad locuri frumoase. Vreau sa fac poze. Vreau sa ma urc cu prietenii in tren si sa mergem...oriunde. Vreau un joint. Vreau o masina. Vreau sa iubesc. Vreau sa urasc. Vreau sa suferi. Vreau sa vad luna plina din varf de munte. Vreau sa plec pe munte. Vreau sa zbor. Vreau sa sar. Vreau sa cad. Vreau un moment de eternitate... Ma vrei?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Under pale gray skies...
I glanced in the mirror
I hoped to see inside my soul
But all that glanced back at me
Was a certain shade of gray...
In the water, between the ripples
I searched for love, but i found gray
In the woods, between the falling leafs
I searched for the sun, but i lost myself...
Looking for brighter colours,
I lost myself in you.
Looking for the better things in life
I lost myself under pale gray skies...
Driven by confusion, i surrownd myself
In nothing but darkness
Black seems to be the only thing
That won't turn into gray
But my need for lies
Pushes me outside
Without no sun, i stroll
Under pale gray skies...
I hoped to see inside my soul
But all that glanced back at me
Was a certain shade of gray...
In the water, between the ripples
I searched for love, but i found gray
In the woods, between the falling leafs
I searched for the sun, but i lost myself...
Looking for brighter colours,
I lost myself in you.
Looking for the better things in life
I lost myself under pale gray skies...
Driven by confusion, i surrownd myself
In nothing but darkness
Black seems to be the only thing
That won't turn into gray
But my need for lies
Pushes me outside
Without no sun, i stroll
Under pale gray skies...
Friday, November 6, 2009
Small dedication:P
So..uum...this is rather hard to do :))
Vanessa, let me say that you are like sugar in my coffee...Thing is, i don't really like coffee with sugar in it, but i do like sugar alone... You are bad for me, but to some extent, trully necessary! And if this won't make you read ma' blog, i'm never drinking coffee with sugar again...and i wont talk to you no more:))
Vanessa, let me say that you are like sugar in my coffee...Thing is, i don't really like coffee with sugar in it, but i do like sugar alone... You are bad for me, but to some extent, trully necessary! And if this won't make you read ma' blog, i'm never drinking coffee with sugar again...and i wont talk to you no more:))
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I wish you the best 18 in THE WORLD!! You have the world at your feet now, be sure to make tho most out of it! There's nothing to frown you down now, get up and scream : I'M FUUCKIIING EIGHTEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!
I wish you the best 18 in THE WORLD!! You have the world at your feet now, be sure to make tho most out of it! There's nothing to frown you down now, get up and scream : I'M FUUCKIIING EIGHTEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
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